
Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Thanksgiving was everything I had hoped it would be this year and more! We had the traditional Thanksgiving dinner at my grandmothers house in Parowan, and the food couldn't get any better! The day after Thanksgiving we decorated our gingerbread houses with all the cousins and aunts, and some of the men went Christmas tree hunting, it was the first thanksgiving in many years that we have had a full house! And I am talking about wall to wall kids and grown-ups, but it was so wonderful to see that, and Grant actually had cousins he could play with! I think that it was actually the first time that he played all day long with kids his age and I think it was great therapy for not only me but for him as well because he was such a happy kid all week long! It just makes me that much more excited for Christmas! The presents are great but nothing beats spending time with fmaily laughing and playing , telling stories and enjoying eachothers company;)
Crazy boys, cousin McCade, and my lil bro ( the 4th Jonas brother) Brandon or who Grant likes to call "uncle OBBY"
Grant was so caught up in all that was going on around him that he dindn't even want to sit still and eat his first Thanksgiving dinner!

Cute cousins Kylie, Andi, and Hailey

Baby Addie, this is my first time meeting my new cousin she is the cutest most chubbiest baby ever! they call her baby peanut!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

wow that is one chubby baby!! I love it! Im so gald that you had a great thanksgiving!!