Last weekend my dad actually had a few days off work! I know... crazy! So him and my mom came up for a little getaway to watch a JAZZ game and visit. There was nothing that I needed more last week than to see my parents, it really took my mind off of things and I needed that the most. We went to Thanksgiving Pointe on Saturday, they weather was not ideal so we just went to the Barnyard Boo, it was starting to get too cold to be outside so we didn't have a chance to hit up Cornbelly's but my parent's being who they are, purchased us some tickets so that we could take the kids on a warmer day. I can't begin to tell you what amazing parents I have but I my kids adore them as much as I do so it's hard on all of us when they leave, and we already can't wait to be able to spend more time with them as soon as we can. But Im just glad that they were able to make a trip up. Here are some pictures from their visit.

Need I say more? ;)

Spooky Spooky!

Oh my gosh I cannot believe how big your kids are!! And how stinking cute they are!! I just love um!!! Miss your face!! I Sooo want to go to Thanksgiving pointe it looks sooo freaking cool!
Sooooo adorable! Looks like tons of fun. Seriously we need to get our kids together to play. We miss you guys so much!
Cute!! Evyn has gotten so much older. Crazy..she is a doll. Still can't believe you ditched me to be up north :) but I hope you guys are enjoying it, I've always wanted to take the girls to thanksgiving point it looks like fun.
They are dolls! It's nice to get family visits when you dont live close.Miss you lots hope everything is good!
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